This is a discontinued product. Sales are limited to stock and packaging on hand.
This is a 200ml bottle with approximately 25 grams of pigment powder.
Description: Bright white
Composition: Inert barium sulfate and zinc sulfide
Use: White paint and water-based opacifier
History: Ancient, officially isolated in 1870. Later replaced by cheaper, more stable substitutes
Current Source: Canada
Stability: Mixes pastel colors in tempera or oil without making them too chalky. Adds a transparent haze to a dark background.
Transparency: Opaque
Granulation: None
Lightfast: Yes
Value: In dilution it isn’t visible on white or black paper. Undiluted or with a touch of water it becomes visible, and even has a decent range of values on black paper.
Staining/Lifting: Depends on the paper; lifted better from watercolor paper; soaked into black cardstock.
Tone: Neutral
AKA: Becton white, white komen, enamel white, Charlton white, zincolith, Surya’s salt
Notes: Similar to Kaolin Whiting, but more opaque. Interesting but difficult to work with, not as strong and overbearing as titanium white. Barium is permanently locked into the stone, so is not toxic to use.
Paint sketches and color swatch by Elizabeth Comer
Samples of lithopone painted on black paper by Elizabeth Comer
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