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Choose one of the following three coupon codes to receive a 10% discount on your next order of over $50.
And, we will make a donation of 5% of your order cost to the local charity you select with the coupon.
GIVERELIEF: We will donate 5% of your order cost to Direct Relief (directrelief.org), a Santa Barbara-based organization that provides medical and rescue supplies all over the world in response to natural disasters. GIVEFOOD: We will donate 5% of your order cost to Foodbank of Santa Barbara County (foodbanksbc.org), whose annual efforts are most intense at Thanksgiving. GIVEART: We will donate 5% of your order cost to the Santa Barbara Art Association Student Art fund (studentartfund.org). The SAF provides art supplies to local school art programs according to the needs articulated by the teachers. The SAF also sponsors the very popular Grandparent Portrait Show, highlighting the achievements of local art students in all kinds of media. |
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Ancient Earth Pigments
Please make a demo using the black mirror from taking it out of the package!
Hi Elisabeth!
Linda isn’t feeling well right now or she would respond herself. If you didn’t see her video from Realism LIVE, here is a clip where she demonstrates the mirror (this link should take you right there, otherwise fast forward to 5:13).
We’re currently in the process of improving our video capability. A more comprehensive black mirror demo is a good idea! We’ll put that on the list of things to consider for an upcoming post. It will be a little while before we can get new videos up.
Thanks so much for your comment!