We are Green Gardeners in Santa Barbara, CA. We love to “feed the soil” with organic compost which we make ourselves or buy from a trustworthy source, organic worm castings from our worm bin and organic amendments that help correct any soil deficiencies. Organic soil care is particularly important for food crops like vegetables, tomatoes, herbs, berries and fruit trees, because all plants take up nutrients from the soil.
Beneficial insects include our pollinators! The flowering fruit trees, fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers are helping to keep our honey bees happy and vigorous. But, they aren’t the only ones! Do some research to find out who _your_ native plants are, what months do they bloom, which insects are in _your neighborhood_, both friends or foes! Local plant societies can help. Make a journal to record your findings. It’s tough work to figure out how to plant beneficial insect borders for your friendly insects (Green lacewing, etc.) to help defeat your insect foes (Aphids, etc.) Read this good article by copy and pasting into your browser: http://www.eap.mcgill.ca/PCBC_1.htm
Thank you for joining us as we do Pandemic Projects, meant to keep you energized, curious and learning!